There is a fault at the moment with adding events to the website. Once resolved then the years events will be published in the usual location.
Admin News
Report from group AGM 18th November 2018
The groups AGM took place on 18th Nov 2018 with a good turnout of members. Re – election of the group officers took place with G1SCQ, G4OKH and M3MPD staying in post.
Discussion took place about use of digital modes, network radios, Raynet HF net, leaflets for promotion, community resilience and equipment refresh.
Report from Group AGM Sun 29th Oct 2017
The groups AGM took place on 29th October 2017. There was a good turnout of members. Re – election of the group officers took place and all were re-elected en-bloc.
Discussion took place about our website, use of digital modes, possibility of a standalone communication capability and recruitment .
Cliff G6CZS – Silent Key
It is with sadness that we have to report that Cliff Moore G6CZS passed away on Saturday 29th July 2017.
Cliff was well known in Raynet in Norfolk and Suffolk and was a regular supporter of both the larger events and also many of the smaller ones. In the past he was a regular volunteer at Sandringham Flower Show with his late wife Ruth – often managing to get in the background of the TV & camera shots!
RIP Cliff and thank you for helping the community.
Website Back
After some issues with an automated upgrade the groups website has been returned to normal operations –
Further work is ongoing to avoid this occurring in the future.
Re-registration 2016
Re-registration of group members is currently under way. Due to changes in the location of the Raynet registrations team and the timing of Easter, new cards are unlikely to be received before April. They will be distributed via the usual means once received.
Website Outage 11/12th Dec 2015
Hopefully site outage is now fixed. It appears cause was an automatic upgrade of the underlying WordPress software & plugins which failed and left the site unusable. Some of this was related to lack of space on the server. I have deleted the erroneous files & reloaded the necessary files manually.
Report from North Anglia group AGM 2015
The group’s AGM took place on Sunday 1st November. Amongst topics discussed included use of HF and 6m at events, updating of equipment and impacts of unification and assisting at other events.
The committee was re-elected as last year:
Chairperson/Group Controller: G1SCQ.
Vice Chair & Technical Officer: G4OKH.
Treasurer: M3MPD.
Secretary: M3JKO.
Group AGM Sunday 02Nov2014
The groups AGM took place on Sunday 2nd November. Officers of the group were re-elected and remain unchanged:
Chairperson & Group Controller: G1SCQ -Kevin
Vice Chair & Technical Officer: G4OKH – Martin
Treasurer: M3MPD – Larry
Secretary: M3JKO – Joey
Item discussed included control trailers, equipment, progressive licence training, voluntary sector coordination & the 146 to 147MHz NOV.
Group AGM Sun 2nd Nov 2014
The groups AGM will take place at the usual venue of the Scout Hut at North Runcton on Sunday 2nd Nov at 14:00. This is the venue where King’s Lynn Amateur Radio Club meet and is easily accessible from the A10 or A47. The agenda will be sent out to registered members.