Admin News

Report from group AGM 2024

The groups AGM took place on Saturday 16th November. Officers were reelected en-bloc:

Chairperson/Group Controller/Secretary: G1SCQ.
Vice Chair & Technical Officer: G4OKH.
Treasurer: M3MPD.

There was a good turnout of members with various topics discussed. These included bank account charges, a redefined mission statement, exercise focus, Whats App alert groups and long service certificates for G1SCQ (40 years) and G4RB (15 years).

Re – Registration 2024

National re-registration has been carried out for existing group members.  This will provide membership for the usual 2 year period and run from April 2024 to March 2026.  Membership ID Cards will be distributed shortly. 

Report from group AGM 2023

The groups AGM was held on Sunday 19th Nov 2023.  The group officers were re-elected on block with G1SCQ, G4OKH and M3MPD staying in post.

Items discussed included further plans for exercising links and message passing particularly during periods of power supply disruption.  Thanks were also offered to Mike G7NJP for all his attendance at events over the years who had recently retired from active duties.

Report from Zone 4 Controller Election April 23

Kevin G1SCQ recently attended the Zone 4 election for controller for east of England.  This includes the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Beds, Herts and Cambs. Mike G8EEY (the current holder of the post) was elected with no other nominations being received.  

Following election brief discussions took part re recruitment, covering larger events, wider area coverage for user services during power outages and scheduling of more regular zonal meetings for controllers. 

Report from group AGM 2021

The groups AGM took place on Sunday 21st November via Skype. There was a good turnout of members.  Re – election of the group officers took place with G1SCQ, G4OKH and M3MPD staying in post.

Topics discussed included:

  • training opportunities including communications between key sites
  • use of digital modes at events and how we could extend it
  • recruitment of new members

Report from Group AGM 2020

The groups AGM took place on Saturday 21st November via Skype. There was a good turnout of members.  Re – election of the group officers took place with G1SCQ, G4OKH and M3MPD staying in post.

Topics discussed included:

  • recruitment and training of new members
  • use of digital modes
  • the impacts of Covid-19 on community events.

Corona virus (Covid-19) and Raynet

The group is a member of the voluntary and faith working group of the Norfolk Resilience Forum. Appropriate plans are being followed by those that need to respond to this current outbreak.  We are closely monitoring the situation and how it may impact on any public events we are due to attend.

Links to the current Government and NHS advice is available using the links below –  this advice is changing on a regular basis, so please check regularly for updates.

Report from group AGM 2019

The groups AGM took place on Sunday 10th November with a good turnout of members. Re – election of the group officers took place with G1SCQ, G4OKH and M3MPD staying in post.

Topics discussed included potential for using digital modes at events, HF usage and membership.