National re-registration has been carried out for existing group members. This will provide membership for the usual 2 year period and run from April 2024 to March 2026. Membership ID Cards will be distributed shortly.
Report from group AGM 2023
The groups AGM was held on Sunday 19th Nov 2023. The group officers were re-elected on block with G1SCQ, G4OKH and M3MPD staying in post.
Items discussed included further plans for exercising links and message passing particularly during periods of power supply disruption. Thanks were also offered to Mike G7NJP for all his attendance at events over the years who had recently retired from active duties.
Norfolk Resilience Forum Winter Workshop Part 1 – Sept 2023
The group recently took part in a winter preparedness workshop for the Norfolk Resilience Forum voluntary and faith groups.
This explored a worsening weather situation affecting the county from icy roads up to full snow and then with the addition of tidal flooding. The various voluntary and faith groups were able to explore where they fitted into the response of the statutory responders – adding value and support where they are able to. It also explored capability over a prolonged period and how organisations can support local communities as well.
Report from Zone 4 Controller Election April 23
Kevin G1SCQ recently attended the Zone 4 election for controller for east of England. This includes the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Beds, Herts and Cambs. Mike G8EEY (the current holder of the post) was elected with no other nominations being received.
Following election brief discussions took part re recruitment, covering larger events, wider area coverage for user services during power outages and scheduling of more regular zonal meetings for controllers.
Report from group AGM 2022
Thank you to all the members that attended the groups AGM via Skype. Re – election of the group officers took place with G1SCQ, G4OKH and M3MPD staying in post.
Topics discussed included:
- Use of the national Raynet DMR server
- Use of HF and exercising for wider area networks
- Norfolk wide communications to provide resilient communications between key sites
Report from Wissey Half Marathon 4th Sept 2022
Thank you to the group members that assisted with the communications at this yearly event.
Runner numbers were down slightly from previous years and thankfully St John Ambulance had few casualties to deal with.
We ran control from a local highspot and this provided good coverage on 2m with a separate PMR link to St John.
Training from the Norfolk Resilience Forum
The Norfolk Resilience Forum (which we are part of through the Voluntary and Faith group) have recently launched some on-line training. This is for those involved in emergency response and also those that would like to understand how Norfolk prepares for emergencies
It can be found at this link
Report from Sandringham Charity Horse Ride 8th May 2022
Thank you to all the members that attended this event. Around 240 riders took part on one of the warmest days of the year so far. Luckily there were limited issues for riders and our role was very much around logistics and especially tracking the final riders of the day.
We ran the usual 2m net which provided good coverage and in addition some of the members trialled a Fusion net on 70cm. This allowed some testing around location sending/receiving and has given further thought for further uses of this mode.
Membership renewal March 2022
The groups membership has been renewed and the the new ID cards have been received. They will be distributed over the course of the next few months as events occur.
Report from group AGM 2021
The groups AGM took place on Sunday 21st November via Skype. There was a good turnout of members. Re – election of the group officers took place with G1SCQ, G4OKH and M3MPD staying in post.
Topics discussed included:
- training opportunities including communications between key sites
- use of digital modes at events and how we could extend it
- recruitment of new members