
Report from group AGM 2022

Thank you to all the members that attended the groups AGM via Skype.  Re – election of the group officers took place with G1SCQ, G4OKH and M3MPD staying in post.

Topics discussed included:

  • Use of the national Raynet DMR server
  • Use of HF and exercising for wider area networks
  • Norfolk wide communications to provide resilient communications between key sites




Kevin G7WGL – Silent key

It is with with great sadness that we have to report that Kevin Firth G7WGL (Big Kev/Wiggle) went silent key on Monday 2nd August 2021.

He was a big character with a heart of gold and will be very much missed at all the events he supported. Over the years he always went the extra mile to help people. Kindness costs nothing and he gave it all the time.