Report from EGB Horse Ride Sat/Sun 18/19 June 2016

Thank you to all who were able to assist at this event. We managed to set up a good 2m net on 144.650Mhz running 10W that covered all the required check points this year.  On Sunday morning we were also picking up another group covering a cycle ride so we had to adjust squelch accordingly to eliminate most of their traffic.

Weather was wet and cool on Saturday but dry and sunny on Sunday which gave anice balance to proceedings.

We also tried some HF tests between a couple of the points using vertical SSB . Results below:

Frequency CP3 CP2 Control 5w
3.663 Could work control OK Could work OK
7.177 Could not hear control Could hear OK but around 25% of signal strength  of 80m
29.010 Could not hear control Could hear OK but around 25% of signal strength  of 80m
50.200 Could not hear control Could hear OK but around 25% of signal strength  of 80m
3.663 (Sunday) Could work CP2 but not control Could work CP3 and Control  Could hear CP2 and CP3 but only able to work CP2


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